Sunday, August 8, 2010

My Stay in Spain

Day #1


*Stepping out of the airport and feeling very warm! We dropped off our luggage at the airport lockers and continued on the metro to our destination near the city center.
*While shopping, we were given fake yellow daisies for free! :) I'm putting one in my hair today.
*We met the man who runs the hostel. He is very nice and recommended that we go to Jamonal for dinner. When we got there, we realized that there were pig appendages hanging from the walls and ceilings. Even though I am not a vegetarian like Rhiannon, I still felt very grossed out.
*In our hostel room, we have two balconies with tall doors. We left these open all night to cool ourselves down. The view was awesome!

Day #2


*We moseyed along for a large part of the day and looked at random vendors and shops. We also went to a museum that had a art piece that Katelyn and Annie wanted to see. I was more intrigued with some of the sculptures. There was also a middle part in the museum that was open to the air, so we sat and looked out on the city for awhile. That was very nice.
*At lunch (we had "lunch" at 5 pm), I ordered a hamburger and papas fritas (french fries - translated as potato fries, I think?) I received some scattered fries and two burger patties that were raw on the inside. I ate the fries and around the edges of the patties, left my money with Annie and Katelyn and decided to walk around the square while they finished their meal. I was embarrassed that I had eaten so little. While I was walking, I came up to this table with three heads on it. As I looked at it and passed by, one of the head yelled and started moving. I realized that it was a real man! I continued to walk around the square and watched some people doing pencil drawings and others painting for a bit before finding Katelyn and Annie. I decided I was going to go back and scare the table man, but as I reached him, he scared some other group and so he saw me. He then said to Katelyn as we walked past, "How are you, baby!" That was weird.
*We watched Return to Me, which was a very sad/happy movie. :)

Day #3


To be written later.

Last night, I stepped out onto the balcony and watched the people down in the square for about 15 minutes. Cars zoomed by and many people were taking pictures of each other. I could only see one star and it was probably a satellite. And then I just sat there and breathed in Madrid. I fell sort of half asleep on the balcony railing and felt very happy at where I was that moment. Me gusta Madrid!

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